The Marketers Association of Zimbabwe (MAZ) held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 17 October 2024, where it took the time to celebrate and honor the outgoing board members for their exceptional leadership and contributions over the past term. This moment was a reflection of the board’s remarkable journey, characterized by innovation, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to advancing the marketing profession in Zimbabwe.

MAZ extends its heartfelt gratitude to the outgoing board members: Lillian Mbayiwa (President), Liberty Kazhanje (Vice President), Emilliah Mabika, Carol White, Caroline Tagwireyi, Lawrence Kupika, and Andrew Tawodzera. Their leadership, dedication, and teamwork have been instrumental in driving MAZ’s growth and achieving key milestones over the past years.

Under the leadership of these board members, MAZ has flourished despite the challenges posed by an unpredictable economic environment. Their unwavering commitment to the Association has resulted in key initiatives that have made a lasting impact on the marketing landscape in Zimbabwe. One of the most notable achievements is the launch of the MAZ Business Institute (MAZ BI), which houses specialized institutes such as the MAZ Institute of Digital Practitioners (MIDP), MAZ Institute of Sales Professionals (MISP), and MAZ Institute of Customer Experience Practitioners (MICXP). These initiatives have empowered members with the necessary skills and knowledge to adapt to changing industry trends and enhance their professional growth.

In addition to their focus on professional development, the outgoing board also introduced the Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Policy Statement, demonstrating MAZ’s commitment to promoting ethical practices within the marketing sector. Their efforts also led to the publication of the Women in Marketing and Communications report, which highlighted the invaluable contributions of women in the industry, further strengthening the inclusive nature of the marketing profession.

Moreover, the board spearheaded the highly successful Interbrands Sports Games, a unique event designed to foster networking and camaraderie among MAZ members. This event not only showcased the importance of work-life balance but also provided a fun and engaging platform for members to connect beyond the professional sphere.

Another significant achievement was the successful collaboration with the Zambia Institute of Marketing to host the ACPD Winter School, a regional partnership that provided a platform for marketers to share knowledge and strengthen regional ties, establishing MAZ’s presence as a regional leader in the marketing community.

Looking ahead, the groundwork laid by these outgoing board members ensures that MAZ is well-positioned for continued success. In particular, the upcoming collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), beginning in 2025, promises to bring global marketing expertise and the latest trends in Big Data and Analytics to MAZ members, further expanding their competitive edge in the global marketplace.

The legacy of the outgoing board members will undoubtedly continue to inspire and guide MAZ as it enters the next phase of growth. Their hard work, passion, and leadership have been vital in shaping the direction of the Association, and for that, MAZ extends its deepest thanks.

Gillian Rusike expressed deep gratitude to the retiring board members, stating, “To Lillian Mbayiwa, Liberty Kazhanje, Emiliah Mabika, Carol White, Caroline Tagwireyi, Lawrence Kupika, and Andrew Tawodzera, we offer our sincerest gratitude. Your dedication to MAZ and the marketing profession has been truly exceptional, and your contributions have left an indelible mark on the Association’s history. We are excited about the future and confident that the foundation you have laid will continue to serve as a stepping stone toward even greater success. Thank you for your outstanding leadership.”


Cabergoline Aurobindo 0,5 Mg, Tabletten

Alle actieve ingrediënten met hun werking, toepassing en bijwerkingen, evenals de medicijnen waarin ze zijn opgenomen. De tabletten bevatten een breukgleuf, zodat op zero,25 mg kan worden gedoseerd. Twijfelt u eraan of een van de bovenstaande wisselwerkingen voor u van belang is? Het mengen van alcohol met dit geneesmiddel kan misselijkheid en braken, hoofdpijn, slaperigheid, flauwvallen of verlies van coördinatie veroorzaken. Het kan ook een risico vormen voor inwendige bloedingen, hartproblemen en ademhalingsmoeilijkheden.

Interacties Met Geneesmiddelen

Het werkt door te voorkomen dat de hersenen het prolactinehormoon uit de hypofyse aanmaken en afgeven. Het gebruik van cabergoline wordt gewoonlijk stopgezet wanneer de prolactinespiegels gedurende 6 maanden normaal zijn. Het kan opnieuw worden gegeven als opnieuw symptomen van te veel prolactine optreden. Cabergoline wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van verschillende soorten medische problemen die optreden wanneer te veel van het hormoon prolactine wordt geproduceerd. Het kan worden gebruikt om bepaalde menstruatieproblemen, vruchtbaarheidsproblemen bij mannen en vrouwen en hypofyse-prolactinomen (tumoren van de hypofyse) te behandelen. Cabergoline is een dopaminerge medicatie die wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van prolactinomen, hoge prolactinespiegels, de ziekte van Parkinson en andere indicaties.

Meldpunt Medicijnen

Cabergoline en dopamine-antagonisten (antipsychotica, anti-emetica) kunnen elkaars werking tegengaan. Zie voor hulpstoffen de productinformatie van CBG/EMA of raadpleeg een apotheker. 20 tabletten van 1 mg Cabergoline per pill van het merk Pfizer. forty tabletten van 0,5 mg Cabergoline per tablet van het merk Healing pharma. Dit medicijn heeft wisselwerkingen met andere medicijnen.

Slaperigheid en episoden van plotseling in slaap vallen (soms zonder voorafgaande waarschuwingen) zijn gemeld. Ontraad autorijden of soortgelijke activiteiten indien tijdens de behandeling plotselinge slaapaanvallen optreden; overweeg tevens verlaging van de dosering of (geleidelijk) staken van de behandeling. Stoornissen in de impulsbeheersing kunnen optreden bij behandeling met dopamine-agonisten, zoals pathologisch gokgedrag, compulsief geld uitgeven, compulsief eetgedrag en hyperseksualiteit.

Raadpleeg voor meer informatie daarom uw verzekeringspolis of neem contact op met uw zorgverzekeraar. Voor meer algemene informatie kunt u het thema ‘Medicijnen in het verkeer’ lezen. In dit thema leest u bijvoorbeeld wat de moist zegt over medicijnen in het verkeer. Ook vindt u adviezen waarmee u rekening moet houden als u wel (weer) magazine autorijden. Vooral ouderen boven de 70 jaar zijn gevoelig voor onderstaande psychische bijwerkingen. Neem contact op met uw arts als u deze bijwerkingen ervaart en ze zijn ernstig of hinderlijk.

Als u dit niet met uw arts heeft besproken of niet zeker weet waarom u dit medicijn gebruikt, neem dan contact op met uw arts. Stop niet met het gebruik van dit medicijn zonder uw arts te raadplegen. Cabergoline verhindert dat de hersenen prolactine aanmaken en afgeven uit de hypofyse. Cabergoline wordt ook gebruikt om het start van een normale lactatie (melkproductie) te voorkomen in gevallen waarin het medisch noodzakelijk is om lactatie te voorkomen. Dit Medicijn wordt gebruikt om een ​​hormonale onbalans te behandelen waarbij er zoveel prolactine in het bloed zit. Cabergoline wordt ook gebruikt voor de behandeling van disfuncties die gepaard gaan met hyperprolactinemie, waaronder amenorroe, oligomenorroe, galactorroe en anovulatie.

Dit product is bedoeld voor gebruik door personen met een recept of aanbeveling van een erkende zorgverlener. Misbruik of misbruik van anabole steroïden kan leiden tot ernstige gezondheidsrisico’s. Volg altijd de richtlijnen van uw zorgverlener en houd u aan de lokale wet- en regelgeving met betrekking tot het gebruik van steroïden.

Technology has transformed our lives, making them better, richer, and more connected, as Robin Sharma said in 2018. My 11-year journey at the Bible Society of Zimbabwe in the Marketing department has seen the advancement of technology and the introduction of artificial intelligence. A recent Bible transformers generative AI workshop, which uses image creators to mimic biblical characters and bring them to life to enhance people’s connection with the Bible, was recently held in Nairobi, Kenya. This shows how far Bible societies have come. The core business of the Bible Society is translating and distributing the Bible into local languages in Zimbabwe, and my job has been to market and sell Bibles. As a branch (Bulawayo), we have managed to sell more than 200,000 Bibles and counting.

Born at Phelandaba clinic in one of the oldest suburbs in Bulawayo, where at every corner there is a vendor selling something, it was then that I was drawn to selling and marketing as a whole. So, when the opportunity at the Bible Society presented itself, I could not resist, as it allowed me to combine my love for making a difference in the lives of people and hitting those sales targets. It has been the most rewarding part of the job, and I have never looked back since.

Artificial intelligence is here to stay, and businesses must adapt to stay relevant. But how practical is AI in Zimbabwe? And what impact does it have on consumers and businesses?

To answer these questions, let’s get a better understanding of what artificial intelligence is. Artificial intelligence uses algorithms and data to make decisions like humans would, improving lives. Bringing this to everyday business in Zimbabwe, how can businesses take advantage of AI and contribute to the African GDP, which is expected to rise from 3% to at least 10% by 2030, according to the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)?

The banking sector in Zimbabwe is one of the first to adopt the use of artificial intelligence. However, the extent of its use is not yet known to consumers and businesses at large, according to Leonard Shumba. Banks have embraced digital banking in the form of mobile banking, internet banking, and ATM banking. Banks like Stanbic Bank have gone as far as having self-deposit ATMs, but the use of artificial intelligence in the sector is still not clear. AI implementation in the banking sector will help companies and individuals transact more smoothly and potentially cut down long queues in some banks.

The challenge then comes in trying to educate older pensioners on how to use technology, let alone artificial intelligence, and how it can ease the process for them. Whether the banking sector has the capacity to go into rural areas where 60% of the population still resides (ZimStats 2023 census) and educate vendors to accept artificial intelligence in place of human beings with the idea of improving services remains to be seen.

Big corporations like Delta Beverages, with employees close to 5,000, could make use of artificial intelligence to manage their employees. Mr. Okeleji, founder and CEO of Seamless HR, a software first launched in Nairobi, Kenya, has adopted the use of AI. The aim is to propel businesses forward across the African continent, teaching and implementing AI with hopes to reduce ghost workers and overall staffing issues within organizations. The application even helps with payroll, which may help keep track of employee funds and the entire company as a whole.

However, dealing with human beings is complex, and artificial intelligence may not always be able to solve all problems. For example, it does not have the capacity to sympathize or thoroughly view disputes from both ends of colleagues. In such cases, AI is there to assist in the smooth and effortless running of human resources departments, not to replace human beings.

As Zimbabweans embrace AI, businesses must consider the benefits and challenges of adopting this technology. An average Zimbabwean may use AI through applications like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram. As 32.6% of the population has access to the internet, while 82.4% is said to have a cell phone (Datareportal 2024), there is still work to be done to improve these numbers. Many are using AI to improve their businesses as it acts as a personal assistant, while some still shy away from it due to a lack of knowledge. Education and implementation of AI in businesses and daily life are essential for Zimbabwe and Africa to maximize resources and improve services. What should be noted is that AI will never fully replace human beings, but it will make our lives better.

Cynthia Nobuhle Mpofu is a Marketing professional who has a BCom Marketing Management Degree from IMM and has been in the field for the past 10 years. She also holds a Digital Marketing certification, as it is one of her passions

In a dynamic move to bolster financial inclusion and cater to the informal economy, the National Building Society (NBS), a platinum member of the Marketers Association of Zimbabwe, has launched Lenderspark Finance, a microfinance subsidiary poised to revolutionize access to financial services in Zimbabwe.

Amidst a backdrop where an estimated 70% of the nation’s economy operates informally and foreign currency dominates transactions, the timing of Lenderspark’s inception couldn’t be more opportune. This strategic move underscores NBS’s commitment to empowering all segments of society and driving economic growth from the grassroots up.

Bernard Gambe, the General Manager of Lenderspark Finance, articulated the company’s ambitious vision during the launch ceremony. He emphasized the pivotal role Lenderspark aims to play in promoting financial inclusion and catalyzing economic expansion at the local level. With core values rooted in inclusion, innovation, and retention, Lenderspark is primed to become a force for change for those previously sidelined by traditional banking institutions.

Mildret Kujinga, NBS’s Head of Marketing, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the institution’s dedication to fostering a supportive and inclusive financial ecosystem. By launching Lenderspark, NBS is not only expanding its reach but also reaffirming its status as the bank of choice for Zimbabweans, both at home and abroad.

The offerings of Lenderspark Finance are designed to disrupt the financial landscape by enhancing financial literacy, widening access to loans and credit facilities, and creating investment opportunities. The subsidiary will operate across all NBS branches, extending its services to the informal sector, cooperatives, salaried employees, and beyond.

Philip Madamombe, Director of Bank Supervision at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, lauded the launch of Lenderspark, affirming the central bank’s unwavering support for small businesses. With the potential to absorb a significant portion of loan demand, particularly from civil servants, Lenderspark Finance is poised to catalyze economic growth and contribute to Zimbabwe’s vision for a thriving economy by 2030.

The launch of Lenderspark Finance represents more than just a new business venture; it signifies NBS’s unwavering commitment to driving positive change and empowering communities. As Zimbabwe’s economic landscape continues to evolve, initiatives like Lenderspark Finance will serve as catalysts for progress, unlocking opportunities and paving the way for a brighter future for all Zimbabweans.

In conclusion, NBS’s bold move to launch Lenderspark Finance reaffirms its position as a trailblazer in the financial sector, setting a new standard for inclusivity and innovation. With Lenderspark, the journey towards economic empowerment and financial inclusion for all Zimbabweans takes a monumental leap forward

To thrive in today’s rapidly changing market, it requires a “paradigm shift” that affects every aspect of your marketing. A marketing transformation requires a radical change in the way you even think about marketing.

To succeed, your marketing transformation must go way beyond buying some cutting-edge tech, slapping a cute little chatbot on your website, and calling it a day.

It must encompass your company culture, a complete reinvention of your operating model, a restructuring of your marketing processes, marketing capabilities that can shift with every change in your market, an Omni-channel approach, and to support it all – software as agile as your new organization.

What is a marketing transformation?

Marketing transformation can be defined as the process of using digital technologies to transform your marketing processes (activities). These processes support the following goals: acquiring, growing, and retaining valuable customers.

Which are the 5 core areas that are impacting marketing transformation?

Analysis of your current situation means identifying the existing status of the five key elements that are integral to any technology-driven marketing transformation project: process, people, data, technology and culture. Let’s look at each of those elements.


Consider each aspect of your current marketing process from end to end. Which of tasks are conducted manually and which ones are automated? Could more or better automation help? Inevitably, you’ll identify processes that have become overly complicated or time-consuming (or both) and will benefit from reassessment.

Also break down the marketing process in each channel. For example, is there consistency between the in-store and online experience, or between email and telesales or customer service? Are you hindered by departmental siloes or data siloes? How would integration make things more efficient?


After assessing how current job roles contribute to the marketing effort, you’ll likely find bottlenecks and identify skills gaps. Digital transformation brings with it a need for new technologies, and for people with the ability to use the new technologies. How best can you develop people so that they are fit for the roles required while meeting their personal objectives for development?

Most of all, do you have the leadership in place — in the appropriate sectors of the business — to continue to push the transformation forward, enforce new behaviors and champion departmental projects?


Data provides the foundation for all of your decision-making — in your marketing campaigns and elsewhere. At best, poor quality data will hamper any attempts at transformation. At worst, it could be completely misleading.

Identify where your organizational data is held, who “owns” it and how up to date it is. If you are hoping to deliver that seamless multichannel or Omni channel experience that customers like so much, you will have to consider how data flows between your systems.

By analysing the data, you can identify gaps that need to be filled. If there is a skills gap, you can identify early on any training that people need and make sure you have money in the budget to support that training.


Review the tools you have available and what your existing technology can do for you. How well are your systems integrated and how will the new technology help your marketing transformation? For example, business intelligence, analytics, big data and public cloud systems are some of the most desirable new technologies. These systems are which are capable of providing a single customer view and conducting real-time customer segmentation are among the most sought-after marketing solutions.


Any marketing transformation initiative must take account of corporate culture and align with wider organizational strategies and the overall business vision. But people are often reluctant to upset the status quo, which makes fostering cultural change often the hardest part of any project that involves deploying new systems and adopting new processes.

Collaboration across the business is key to overcoming resistance to change. By analyzing cross-departmental cultures, you can identify potential points of resistance and plan to either remove the obstacles or navigate around them.

To succeed, marketing transformation projects need to be embraced by the entire marketing team, and they need buy-in and support across the company. This is something big brands have in common: a desire for customer-centricity driven from the top.

Not every project will enjoy top-down support or companywide buy-in, so those pushing for change need to be prepared to take on unfamiliar new responsibilities and develop greater empathy for the challenges faced by colleagues in other departments. However, as the inspirational entrepreneur Jim Rohn once said, “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.”


In order to meet the modern demands of consumers, marketing capabilities and technology must also evolve. Successfully updating existing marketing technology, measurements and strategies requires an informed marketing transformation strategy that can guide efforts toward better campaign capability. By understanding the crucial areas of focus, brands can optimize their transformation and set the stage for better ROI and increased campaign impact.

Felix Mambondiani is  Marketers Association of Zimbabwe Training Manager, a holder of a Master of Commerce Degree in Strategic Management, IMM GSM Bachelor of Marketing Degree, a Diploma in ICT and a PhD Student. He is an experienced Marketer with several years of practical experience.

In the digital age, one post from a disgruntled customer can wreak havoc to a brand’s reputation within seconds!!!

Never before have consumers had such an influence on the reputation of corporates as in this age.

The need for reputation management in the digital age

Audiences are no longer passive – user-generated content is now a critical part of how a company is perceived. The speed and reach of digital sharing is endangering corporate reputation. Local mistakes can become global reputation crises within minutes. The audience has indeed been empowered. Reputation is now sculpted by the masses and is no longer easily manageable.

Today, the internet plays a key role in how businesses are perceived due to the consumer’s heavy reliance on online reviews and ratings to make purchase decisions.

Over 80% of potential customers conduct an online research before making a purchase.

Positive online reviews and ratings can improve a brand’s online reputation, increase customer trust as well as boost sales, on the other hand negative reviews & ratings can damage an organisation’s online reputation, hurt customer trust and also drive away potential customers. 

The challenges of effectively managing a brand’s reputation have certainly grown in the digital age. New social media sites are sprouting up at a much faster rate availing new platforms and opportunities to businesses for greater reach, enabling them to access new customers, launch creative campaigns and tell their stories. The downside of this greater reach however, is that it comes with even greater risk.  

Brands both big and small have experienced a public relations nightmare in this digital era, a number of brands come to mind, take for instance, the H&M sweater saga that turned into a racism disaster, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 debacle, the United Airlines’ –United breaks guitars PR crisis just to mention a few.

The modern consumer has the power to turn one local mistake into a viral meme and global reputation crisis literally within seconds!

No brand is immune to reputational crisis online!

If your brand hasn’t encountered a reputation crisis yet, consider yourself very lucky but always be prepared for such crises.

In spite of all this, brands and marketers don’t necessarily have to feel helpless because of this shift in the power of consumer opinion.New digital touch points and media are available to help brands build their reputation online. Through social media platforms for example, businesses can offer much more transparency, share positive stories and experiences, have engaging conversationswith customers, call on advocates in a time of need, outsource marketing and advertising to their fan-baseand get instant feedbackon products and services.

What is brand reputation management?

A ‘brand’ is a promise while ‘brand reputation’ is about the fulfilment of that promise.

Although an organisation owns its brand, it’s the stakeholders who own its reputation.’

Brand reputation management therefore is the practice of monitoring perceptions and conversations, responding to reputation threats and proactively seizing opportunities to boost reputation.

Reputation management is about eliminating the discrepancy betweenhow a company perceives itself and how the public perceives it.

We cannot control brand reputation, but we certainly can manage it!

Your reputation must resonate with your brand!!!

Corporate reputation management in the digital age is about giving businesses more control over how they are perceived online, usingtechnology to improve the processes of listening to stakeholders, learning from their views and taking necessary action thereafter. Fortunately for today’s marketer, various tools and software are available that can help brands monitor their reputation online.

The value of corporate brand reputation

Reputation offers numerous benefits to brands; It gives an organisation that competitive edge that sets it apart from other competing firms. Reputation builds credibility and brand trust in your products or services. It improves customer acquisition and retention, improves sales and profitability, improves market share as well as brand equity.

Corporate brand reputation attracts top talent from people wanting to work for your company, it builds brand confidence among a corporate’s employees, customers, investors, influencers, partners and within its industry. Most importantly, reputation can help an organisation to recover from a crisis.

In order to proactively build a positive corporate reputation, there is need to:

  1. first assess your performance across all departments and channels
  2. ensure that your performance and the face you present to the world match stakeholder expectations.
  3. Manage both internal and external factors to keep public perception positive. 


Reputation is built over a lifetime, but can be lost instantly. Whether managed or not, every brand has a reputation. The digital era has presented new challenges in the area of reputation management. It’s absolutely imperative to monitor what is being said about your company online. Corporates therefore must take proactive steps in building and protecting their reputation for business success. Overall, a positive brand reputation reduces the cost of marketing, hence many organisations are increasingly investing in corporate reputation management.

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Важно помнить, что установка Google Authenticator на несколько устройств может повысить уязвимость безопасности. Поэтому необходимо хорошо обезопасить устройства, на которых установлен аутентификатор, и обеспечить доступ к ним только авторизованным лицам. По номеру телефона, основного или резервного, пробовали восстановить? Почитайте об альтернативных способах восстановления ключа здесь (официальная справка Google).

Шаг 2: Подключение приложения

После установки приложения на новый телефон, вам понадобится восстановить аутентификатор для каждого сайта или сервиса, которые ранее использовали Google Authenticator. Процедура восстановления различается в зависимости от каждого конкретного сайта или сервиса. Первым шагом восстановления доступа — установка Google Authenticator на новый телефон. как восстановить доступ к google authenticator Для этого вам понадобится загрузить и установить приложение Google Authenticator из соответствующего магазина приложений для вашей операционной системы (Android или iOS). После выполнения всех этих шагов ваш Google Authenticator будет успешно установлен на новом телефоне, и вы сможете получать проверочные коды для авторизации в различных аккаунтах и сервисах.

Мошенники придумали новый обман — в комментариях на YouTube они с новых аккаунтов пишут сид-фразы от своих криптокошельков. Введите адрес электронной почты, чтобы подписаться на этот блог и получить уведомления о новых сообщения по электронной почте. В некоторых случаях для этого может потребоваться создать новый пустой аккаунт. Обновления важны не только для устранения лазеек в системе безопасности; они также необходимы для исправления существующих или новых ошибок в программном обеспечении.

Самой частой причиной этому является несоответствие времени и неправильные настройки региона на устройстве. Google учитывает часовой пояс всех регионов и использует их для сравнения. Перейдите к настройкам даты и времени, и проверьте правильно даты, и времени.

Нужно понимать, что Гуглом не предусмотрено абсолютно никаких способов восстановления данных из приложения. Сайт же сгенерирует некоторый цифровой ключ, который, также полностью автоматически, сохранится в скачанном вами приложении, и будет использоваться для всех последующих входов на этот сайт. Изначальные версии приложений для данного сервиса распространялись с открытым кодом разработчика.

Не получается войти в аккаунт на резервном телефоне с помощью SMS

как восстановить доступ к google authenticator

Эти коды можно найти в настройках аккаунта Google, в разделе безопасности. Восстановить доступ к своему аккаунту может оказаться сложной задачей, особенно в случае, если вы забыли пароль от Google Authenticator. Ведь данный аутентификатор является одним из самых надежных способов защиты вашей учетной записи. В этой статье мы расскажем вам, как восстановить доступ к вашему аккаунту и сбросить пароль от Google Authenticator. После удаления Google Authenticator с потерянного телефона вам следует обратиться к службе поддержки необходимого сервиса для восстановления доступа к вашей учетной записи.

Как восстановить Google Authenticator при утере телефона

Нажмите «Экспорт аккаунтов», выберите нужные профили и нажмите «Далее». После этого вам сгенерируется QR-код, который нужно будет отсканировать на новом устройстве, в результате чего перенос всех аккаунтов осуществится автоматически. Если Вы всё ещё авторизованы на сайте проекта, то почту можно узнать через форум. Зайдите на Форум и перейдите в Настройки аккаунта, там и будет отображен Ваш почтовый адрес. Восстановление аккаунтов Google authenticator невозможно при полном выходе устройства из строя.

В Казахстане остановили майнинг-ферму на 156 устройств

Устаревшее приложение вполне может быть причиной сбоя Google Authenticator. Но особенности функционирования программы играют злую шутку с пользователями. Коды генерируются и остаются на телефоне и не отправляются на серверы компании.

Похожие записи

Хотя понятие “нормально” будет отличаться от каждого человека, вы можете сами сделать так, как нравится. Да и не особо я знаток шифрования, если есть полезная информация, поделитесь, изучу. Такой формат был выбран, чтобы использовать дополнительную мета-информацию. Самое db – это base64 байтовое значение, которое зашифровано с помощью RSA. Одной из главной цели я ставлю создание быстрого приложения, для максимально короткой трудозатраты при копировании двухфакторного ключа.

Резервные коды очень полезны, если вы потеряете свое устройство с установленным на нем Google Authenticator. Или если приложение Google Authenticator по какой-то причине не работает. Хорошая идея – сделать копию резервных кодов и хранить их в безопасном месте.

Ключ необходимо хранить в каком-нибудь безопасном месте, как можно дальше от других людей. Запустите приложение Аутентификатора и в верхнем правом его углу нажмите значок с изображением 3-х точек. Иначе восстановить доступ можно только через заявку с подтверждением личности (для этого необходимо наличие на странице настоящих имени, фамилии, фотографий с лицом) или через пятерых друзей. Осуществить это достаточно просто – в личном кабинете сервиса, где у вас подключена двухфакторная аутентификация через приложение, нажмите кнопку «Отключить» или «Выключить».

После восстановления доступа к аккаунту обновите настройки Google Authenticator. Это позволит вам генерировать новые коды для двухфакторной аутентификации. Вы можете восстановить доступ к учетной записи, если у вас есть ваш адрес электронной почты или номер телефона, привязанный к учетной записи.


With this data, you’ll better be able to control manufacturing processes to bolster the bottom line. It’s an incredibly powerful tool for both modeling and visualizing data. As a Data Analyst, I find Microsoft Power BI to be a fantastic tool analytics tools for brokers that can handle most of the analytics pipeline.

Business intelligence platforms

Reasons to Start Using BI

Many customers still report feeling unsatisfied with their experience with the companies they buy from. A key reason behind this could be the lack of business intelligence used in CX decision making. Business Users are able to easily change how Dashboards and Reports look whenever Data in business changes.

Why are ETL and data preparation essential parts of BI software?

Traditional BI tools are expensive because they need a lot of work to build, keep running, and fix. No-Code BI Solutions, Anyone can create Dashboards and Reports without needing to be a Skilled programmer or IT Specialist. And Prime Brokerage we all believe that the market-leading BI products are so development-driven which makes these development-driven BI tools show stoppers for Business Users to Unleash the Real Power of Data. Additionally, there are multiple advantages that make it a perfect choice. This is huge in both succession planning and growing an organization that thinks strategically, owning and responding to information in a real-time manner.

Reasons to use Microsoft Power BI

Reasons to Start Using BI

Whenever any new data is generated, streamers or push the dashboard updates in real-time without any delay. Even time-sensitive data collection and transmission take place in real time. It allows organizations to quickly gather the data they require when big decisions have to be made. With Grow, give everyone access to your Business Intelligence dashboards so that they can help you make better decisions.

Simply by utilizing the ‘Ask a question’ box that addresses data-specific queries such as ‘what are the recent sales figures for particular region? Interestingly, Power BI suggests meaningful questions as you write, as well as a preview of a chart or table visualization that best portrays the data you’re looking for. This may appear as a gimmick at first, but with Power BI’s natural language query engine is highly intuitive and effective with Microsoft’s continual improvements. Since Power BI encourages data democratization, it aids in the development of a data-centric culture within businesses. You can empower your employees to be more data-aware and data-driven.

So basically Microsoft Power BI is easy to start using, and when you decide to go “whole hog,” you can do some pretty amazing things. In my opinion, this is one of the coolest things that Microsoft has ever released and has the potential to make almost any business more efficient. You can use natural language to interact with your data when you publish it to the Microsoft Power BI service (which might I add is free). ‍47% of IT managers and executives said that all their data warehouses were in the public cloud. Power BI users can track goals and see who on your team contributes to each goal. This feature becomes important when you have finance and operations managers tracking goals since they will be able to see quickly where things may be tracking ahead or behind.

Power Query is Microsoft’s data connectivity and data preparation technology. It allows you to access data from hundreds of different sources, from CSVs to SQL databases, and adjust that data to fit your needs. You don’t need any code to use Power Query, and it offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface. And the tool’s creators do everything they can to make the learning curve as flat as possible.

Furthermore, several users, including MS Excel users will find Power BI’s powerful toolset easy to onboard, allowing you to use existing organizational expertise and ease into Power BI faster. Additionally, you can leverage pre-built Power BI dashboards in seconds and perform powerful data analysis in minutes using connectors. Moreover, you can easily customize elements further to your liking, or have your data experts import your datasets and develop your dashboards and reports. We as tech educators are strong believers that anyone can learn to code, and learning programming languages like Python and R unlocks a pretty limitless world of data analysis possibilities.

This makes it easier for people to see and understand their data without the technical know-how to dig into the data themselves. There are many BI platforms available for ad hoc reporting, data visualization, and creating customized dashboards for multiple levels of users. We have outlined our recommendations for evaluating modern BI platforms so you can choose the right one for your organization. One of the more common ways to present business intelligence is through data visualization. Today, more organizations are moving to a modern business intelligence model, characterized by a self-service approach to data. Self-service business intelligence (SSBI) is characterized by IT managing the data (security, accuracy, and access), allowing users to interact with their data directly.

This enables teams to work together and make informed decisions based on the same data, regardless of their location. Power BI’s collaboration features allow you to share data securely, and control access to sensitive information. By having to move and manipulate your unstructured data back into relational tables, an artificial wall is built between business users and all available enterprise data.

A separate data discovery process is used to determine what data to retrieve or what aggregations to create. Data Discovery, in this case, requires a different tool or custom coding and is almost always done in IT with input from the business. From a process, technology and people perspective that is just not scalable or sustainable when it comes to leveraging Big Data to become data-driven. There are simply too many restrictions on data and moving parts for the performance to meet business needs.

They don’t wake up every morning excited about looking at dashboards and drilling down to try to figure out why an application, a market, a region, a product is not performing like it did yesterday. At the same time, not everyone is looking for a needle some are just looking for the haystack. Bottom-line is the way people interact with analytics in data-driven enterprises is not a “one-size-fits-all” answer. You have a diverse set of users with differing experience expectations and use case complexity levels which all must be managed to achieve company-wide adoption. By using Excel alone, generating insights can be extremely time consuming as you build specific queries.

You’ll need to decide how data is used, gather key roles, and define responsibilities in the initial phases. It may sound simple at a high level; however, starting with business goals is your key to success. But for those who haven’t adopted a tool yet, or are simply looking to learn more, it can be difficult to understand exactly what BI is. We created this complete guide to educate people on what BI is, how it works, and more. These are our top three reasons why you and your organisation should be using Power BI reports to help drive your organisation forward, enable strategic decision making and master effective data storytelling. Key influencers in a Power BI report allow you to visualise what members and dimensions have the most influence.

They chose 9A Smart Insights, combined with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations. 9A Smart Insights is built on reliable Microsoft technology and follows the principles of Power BI. In that familiar environment, your users will be up to speed quickly and you will also be assured of a well-functioning system in the future. You also benefit from frequent updates, so you can always keep up with Microsoft’s latest features.